#26: Yikes, Stripes!
Stripe searching—and then mask or make some!
Search for stripes: natural, human-made, or light/shadow-created.
Experiment with making some stripes, either by making or masking.
Play around with different sizes, colors, and directions.
Yikes, Stripes!
For those of you who grew up watching 1990s television ads, I apologize for getting the Fruit Stripes song stuck in your head again. But the song was on to something—once you pick a specific thing to become aware of in your environment, it’s mind-blowing how often you can notice it pop up. Stripes!
There’s something satisfying to the repetition of pattern, and the direction and color can affect the experience dramatically.
Making and Masking
Making stripes, however, can be wildly challenging, but there are ways to get around the “ack, these lines aren’t completely straight!” moments. One easy trick is to use existing materials, like colored tapes. The artist Jim Lambie designs floors that overlay colored tape. (His other trick is to get a ton of volunteers to do the work for him). Here’s a video I did about one at MoMA 13(!) years ago with terrible video artifacts:
Another trick is to mask an area with tape or other material, color in, and then remove the mask.
Will it be perfect? No. Will you live? Probably.
“a real sign
of progress
is when we no longer
punish ourselves
for our imperfections”
― yung pueblo, Inward
And Now: Music
Finally: a new bit to this newsletter! Here’s a song that’s been getting me through this time, “Be Thankful for What You Got” by William DeVaughn.
**** The bottom part *****
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