Ever feel like this?

Ever felt like this?

I do too.
Meditation helps.

Curious about what “mindfulness meditation” is?
Here are my thoughts.

Want an intro?
Check out this series of free guided meditations.

1: Arriving

Often people get introduced to meditation as just “close your eyes and focus on your breathing.” That’s great for some, and also a massive challenge if you’re overtaxed or stressed! In this session we explore brief techniques for meeting ourselves in the moment, and develop some compassion and ease around getting started. Consider it a “dip your toes in” session.

Listen to the recording (21 mins) including FAQs

2: Grounding

Learning how to be mindful can be a purely mental activity—as I like to say “smashing the mindgrapes”—but it’s most successful when met with a physical (or “embodied”) experience. We build on arriving and being in the moment with some gentle body scans and similar practices. No, you will not learn how to do yogic flying. Sorry, David Lynch.

Listen to the recording (25 mins)

3: Mindful Awareness

Mindfulness is both an internal and external perspective and action, so we deal with how to meet thoughts, emotions, and sensations. We also get a little more practice in classic “mindfulness meditation”—finding an anchor and gently returning.

Listen to the recording (24 mins)

4: Sustained Attention

We continue to build on the practices of arriving and being awareness, and explore sustained attention practices—sometimes called “concentration” practices. We play around with how having a more “zoomed in” focus can change the meditation experience, versus a more “wide-angle” approach.

Listen to the recording (21 mins)

5: Cultivating Kindness

Often people talk about mindfulness and meditation as cultivating two wings—wisdom and compassion. (If that metaphor is too squishy for you, just picture a badass hawk KAAAAAW). In all seriousness, how we characterize our experience sets the tone for our whole life—and in my experience if that tone isn’t paid attention to and cultivated it can turn nasty REAL QUICK for ourselves and others. In this session we explore techniques to actively cultivate more kindness.

Listen to the recording (25 mins)

Want to bring meditation to your organization?

If you’re in the tri-state area, I’m happy to bring a workshop or series on-site or virtually—and if you’re outside of the greater New York area, we can meet online. Non-profits, schools, or cultural institutions, don’t be shy, we can work out pricing to fit!

Fill out the form below or feel free to schedule a phone call with me.